Wednesday, 26 November 2014

A Very Happy Birthday to a Very Special Lady!

I did a "Professional First" today... although many would probably argue it was in fact very unprofessional..

I had the day off to go back up to Brum and spend the day with Sandy and my family for my Nan's (Margaret's) Birthday!!  It was a very special birthday... the big 80!  And after months of telling my nan we wouldn't be able to make it due to rehearsal commitments, we couldn't wait to see her reaction.

Me and Sandy drove up to the 'Homelands' on the Tuesday evening.  On Wednesday morning we both rang Nan individually to wish her Happy Birthday and say "we wish we could be there!"  She sounded a bit disappointed, but put a brave face on it!  Within ten minutes we were at Nan and Grandad's house.

Surprised is not the word!  It all got a bit weepy... but Nan said it had made her day so we were chuffed to have pulled it off.  We all had a great day celebrating, laughing and catching up... see it as a little warm up for Christmas Day!!

JB x

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