Wednesday, 12 November 2014

The Start of the Beginning of the End.

"I'm trying to stay as calm as possible and focus one day at a time, but when reality sets in, I feel everything: anxiety, excitement, nerves, pressure and joy." Shawn Johnson

Less than one week to go.  Monday morning at 10am I'll be stood, chatting to old friends, sipping an eggnog latte and munching on my welcome doughnut.  It what dreams are made of... isn't it?

I think I've developed a reputation for myself.  A couple of people have passed comment about how they expect my Twitter activity to surge over panto; others have mentioned "Christmas gets earlier each year!  I bet you're chuffed!"  I even got a message from Davin today (our Company Manager) reminding us "we all need to be there Monday!" but he knows "I can't wait!"  Do people think I actually enjoy Panto or something?!  Let me assure you all now, it's a lie, merely part of the festive act!  Hmm?

I've been having a lovely time the past week.  Sorting everything our for my blog, reading through the script, updating websites, learning lines and researching jokes and one liners - ever eager to increase my back catalogue.  If we get a heckler again this year, I'm determined to be more than capable of retort.

My finger has been on the pulse, keeping up to date with all the panto news from around the country, watching interviews, promo videos and sifting out all the gossip.  A later post will give my run down.  I've even found time to squeeze in 3 adult pantos - but rest assured that material wont be repeated at the Arnaud.

I have also been thinking this week  about something my Mom said.  My ol'dear made a fair point that you can't "live for Panto" all the time.  In fact I've realised that I probably spend half the year wishing my life away just to reach Christmas. Unless you're working as part of a production company or writing scripts full time there has to be a switch off point.  Doesn't there?  Think, end of the football season or the season finale of "Game of Thrones!"

On Monday, the end of Panto begins.  Considering I wait all year for this festive period, in comparison it is over in the blink of an eye.  Two weeks rehearsals fly by.  As does the tech week.  The fortnight before Christmas is gone in a flash and before we know it we're closing, and the long wait begins again.   And that is why I get so excited about it - because it's a time that has to be enjoyed whilst you can.  

Yes I'll be tweeting a lot.  Yes I'll be posting festive photo's every other day of tinsel and Christmas jumpers.  And yes, I will be having the time of my life.  We all in life have to make the most of situations.  Enjoy every minute of everyday, the best we can, whatever we're doing!!  And that is what I plan to do this Panto season.  And the next one... and the next one... and the many to follow after that!!

God forbid I end up in an Easter or Summer Panto - you lot wouldn't get a break!

Night all...


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